If you haven't created your store site (i.e. Nop.Web) please do so before proceeding further.
I am assuming that you have published your website to /YourWebsite.com/wwwroot
nopCommerce has 2 web application
1) Nop.Web - It is actual store web application, which we already published in my previous post
2) Nop.Admin - It is admin interface, which will allow us to add product, manage product and much more admin related stuff.
This both web application need to be published to the same directory.
Being said that, In this blog post we will see how to deploy and configure nopCommerce Admin site.
- Open nopCommerce Project in VS.Net 2010
- Compile the project in Release Mode.
- Publish website. From menu, Build > Publish Nop.Admin
- Save publish profile as shown in figure below and click on "Publish" button. After few mins. website will be published and create necessary files in folder you choose to publish.
- Open FTP Client tool FileZilla (If you do not have installed FileZilla FTP Software or any other FTP Client Software, please do so before proceeding any further.)
- Now Copy files you just published for "nopCommerce Admin" to Remote Site.
- In order to do so
- On RemoteSite, where you publish your nopCommerce website, Create a "Administration" Folder inside website.
Now copy files you publish to "Administration" Folder.
- I am assuming that you have published “Nop.Web” to “ /YourWebsite.com/wwwroot ”.
- Nop.Admin” needs to be published in “/YourWebsite.com/wwwroot/Administration”.
- Make sure the .dlls from Nop.Admin ( /YourWebsite.com/wwwroot/Administration/bin) are moved and exist in (/YourWebsite.com/wwwroot/bin).
You are done, now check your admin site by login using admin username and password. And it should start working :)